Global businesses in cambodia

You could say it would be better to get in early on the next Phnom Penh. But to be honest there won't be a next Phnom Penh, because Phnom Penh had and has so many unique factors that combined and combine to drive property prices up so quickly:
The fact that there was no "property market" under Khmer Rouge rule made prices ludicrously low, combined with the hundreds of people who had hidden their wealth "under the bed" away from the Khmer Rouge, who then brought it out to invest and buy property. Then there was the exiled Cambodian's who had become wealthy overseas and flocked to reinvest in the free country, in some cases bringing large corporations with them. On top of that Khmer Rouge rule left Cambodia with most of the male population under 25 giving it a uniquely strong labour force, which, combined with low living costs made it very attractive to global businesses.


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