culture women and original wife from cambodia

Actually, now that I am reading it the day after, I am realizing that my mini story about PBU easily could’ve fit that bill; I am picturing what it would’ve been like to have you in that discussion. there is actually a whole litany of potential blog posts from being in that class…
for instance, there was a scenario where some missionary was in Africa where they had converted a formerly multiple wive village. After joining the church, the question was what to now do with the multiple wives? Keeping in mind that in this culture women had no way of supporting themselves, a large number of guys in the class were actually arguing the man should divorce all but the original wife in order to follow the New Testament.There was also a guy who quoted the Onesimus story trying to say that slaves had no right in the deep south to run away from their master’s.
for instance, there was a scenario where some missionary was in Africa where they had converted a formerly multiple wive village. After joining the church, the question was what to now do with the multiple wives? Keeping in mind that in this culture women had no way of supporting themselves, a large number of guys in the class were actually arguing the man should divorce all but the original wife in order to follow the New Testament.There was also a guy who quoted the Onesimus story trying to say that slaves had no right in the deep south to run away from their master’s.
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